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Big Country Raw - Lamb Neck Bone – 2 Lb

Lamb Necks are a meaty, novel protein CHEW bone that are tasty and nutrient rich, making them an excellent bone for cleaning teeth!

- Hormone & antibiotic free

- Recreational chewing bone

- Great for cleaning plaque and tartar on teeth

- Excellent physical and mental exercise for your dog

- Portion sized for medium to large breeds


Big Country Raw Meal and chew bones offer mental and physical exercise and help to clean teeth and freshen breath. Great for all pets, no matter their diet. Always supervise bone-chewing sessions Buy 12, Get 1 Free. Mix & Match Allowed. Equal or Lesser Value. Email Address Required. 18-Month Time Limit.

Big Country Raw - Lamb Neck Bone – 2 Lb

SKU: 627818006231
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